Monday, March 28, 2011

What's the Preferred Term - 3/28/2011

Recap from last week: For the first class, "The seta that is located on the anterior margin of the hind wing and interlocks with the recurved posterior edge of the fore wing in Hymenoptera during flight, making them functionally one winged", Schulmeister and Jennings both chose "hamulus (hamuli)" a choice that surely surprised no one in the community. As for the second class, "The malar line that is a carina", no one gave their opinion so we will keep "malar carina" as the preferred term.

For this week:

ID: HAO:0000109


DEFINITION: The frontal line that is a carina.

TERM OPTIONS: central keel, frontal carina

HOMONYM NOTES: "frontal carina" is also used for the classes "HAO:0000810: The carina that is located on the face and parallels the inner orbit" and "HAO:0001533: The carina that extends along the lateral margin of the intertorular area (median margin of the antennal foramen) towards the vertex".


ID: HAO:0000916


DEFINITION: The depression that is medially located on the scutoscutellar suture.

TERM OPTIONS: anterior scutellar pit, scutellar fovea


- WHAT TERMS (from the above options) would you use to refer to these concepts?
- ARE THERE terms that we are missing for these concepts?

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If you would like to reply to the questions above or have comments, questions, suggestions, etc., please sign up for the HAO email list and post your views there. We will not be moderating WTPT discussions here on the blog.

Monday, March 21, 2011

What's the Preferred Term - 3/21/2011

Recap from last week: We had no responses this past week so we will keep our current preferred terms: 1) for the class "HAO:0000891: The process that is located proximally on the first valvula" we have "ventral ramus of the first valvula" as the term of choice; 2) for "HAO:0000780: The sulcus that corresponds with the postgenal ridge" we have "postgenal sulcus" as the preferred term.

For this week:

ID: HAO:0000394


DEFINITION: The seta that is located on the anterior margin of the hind wing and interlocks with the recurved posterior edge of the fore wing in Hymenoptera during flight, making them functionally one winged.

TERM OPTIONS: frenal hook, hamulus



ID: HAO:0001590


DEFINITION: The malar line that is a carina.

TERM OPTIONS: malar carina, malar keel, malar ridge


- WHAT TERMS (from the above options) would you use to refer to these concepts?
- ARE THERE terms that we are missing for these concepts?

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If you would like to reply to the questions above or have comments, questions, suggestions, etc., please sign up for the HAO email list and post your views there. We will not be moderating WTPT discussions here on the blog.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Recap from last week: Last week we had no responses, so we will keep using the current preferred terms - for 1) "HAO:0000918: The ridge that extends along the anterior margin of the mesoscutellum and corresponds to the scutoscutellar suture." we have "scutoscutellar ridge" as the preferred term; for 2) "HAO:0000742: The projection that is located anterolaterally on the mesoscutellar-axillar complex." we have "postalar process" as the preferred term.

For this week:

ID: HAO:0000891


DEFINITION: The process that is located proximally on the first valvula.

TERM OPTIONS: ramal rod, ventral ramus of the first valvula



ID: HAO:0000780


DEFINITION: The sulcus that corresponds with the postgenal ridge.

TERM OPTIONS: gular sulcus, postgenal sulcus

HOMONYM NOTES: "postgenal sulcus" has been applied to the class "HAO:0001811: The sulcus that extends between the malar sulcus and the occipital foramen."

- WHAT TERMS (from the above options) would you use to refer to these concepts?
- ARE THERE terms that we are missing for these concepts?

Please remember to send replies to the emailing list ( and not just the original sender.

If you would like to reply to the questions above or have comments, questions, suggestions, etc., please sign up for the HAO email list and post your views there. We will not be moderating WTPT discussions here on the blog.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's the Preferred Term - 3/7/2011

Recap from last week: We got one response for each of the classes from last week. First, Jennings suggested we use "basiconic capitate peg sensillum" for the class "HAO:0001098: Mushroom-shaped sensory structure on the flagellum, particularly the clava; sometimes called the sensilla ampullacea." Second, Schulmeister suggested a couple of labels for the class "HAO:0000427: The compound organ that functions as producer and transporter of sperm, spermatophore and semen, composed of the testes, vas deferens, accessory glands and ductus ejaculatorius. Ecto- and mesodermal in origin" including "internal male genitalia" or "internal male reproductive organs". We will use Jennings' selection for the first class, and have continued using "internal male genitalia" for the second class in accordance with Schulmeister's suggestions and our current selection.

For this week:

ID: HAO:0000918


DEFINITION: The ridge that extends along the anterior margin of the mesoscutellum and corresponds to the scutoscutellar suture.

TERM OPTIONS: scutoscutellar ridge, V-shaped notal ridge



ID: HAO:0000742


DEFINITION: The projection that is located anterolaterally on the mesoscutellar-axillar complex.

TERM OPTIONS: metategula, postalar process, scutellar crest


- WHAT TERMS (from the above options) would you use to refer to these concepts?
- ARE THERE terms that we are missing for these concepts?

Please remember to send replies to the emailing list ( and not just the original sender.

If you would like to reply to the questions above or have comments, questions, suggestions, etc., please sign up for the HAO email list and post your views there. We will not be moderating WTPT discussions here on the blog.